Thursday, 30 August 2012

The XVIth Warrior Welcomes Viper Westend

Profile picture

The XVIth Warrior are proud to announce that for the upcoming RaboDirect Pro 12 season, with your Glasgow Warriors match day ticket or Glasgow Warriors Season ticket card, home and visiting supporters will get free entry into Viper Westend on match days!

The XVIth Warrior will also be hosting an after party on the 7th September at Viper Westend after the first home game of the season against Scarlets. In the mean time why not check out Viper Westend here:

Viper Westend has the right to refuse entry, Viper Westend terms and conditions apply

Friday, 24 August 2012

Let the games BEGIN!

Hope everyone is recovering from last nights game.....not that pre-season is officially over, we're hoping the boys will get to business and start the season off on the right foot for their first game at Ravenhill against Ulster on Friday 31/08/12 at 1905 KO. We want to know who is interested in meeting up at Waxy O'Connors to watch the game.


to let us know if you would like to come along so we can get an idea of numbers and sort a space.

Details of Waxy's Glasgow here:

and don't worry we checked, they are Munster supporters!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Rules of the Bus go round and round...

Please find below details of the bus for Warriors v Chiefs:
1) Be on time, the bus leaves from Waxy's next to Queen Street station at 5:45pm sharp and leaves Ayr at 10pm promptly. You are responsible for getting yourself on to the bus on time.
2) All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Your sprog (child) is your own responsibility, if you leave said child unattended we will feed them skittles and espressos and give them a free puppy.
3) If you can not behave convincingly sober you are not getting on the bus.
4) No hot food, no alcohol, no nudity!
5) If you you bring any strays home, you are responsible for them and their fare.
6) Clean up after yourself: there is no maid service.
7) Be polite to the driver.
8) We will respect the opposition, even after we beat them!
9) You are responsble for your own health.
10) You are responsible for your own belongings.
11) There are no refunds, if you have pre paid a seat and you do not make the bus leaving, we will hold your place for the bus returning.
12) Kat's responsibilities extend to collecting fares and making sure the bus leaves on time.
13) Singing is encouraged, but let's not blow the ear drums and save some for the game.
14) We will try to get you back in time for connecting transport, however we can not accept responsibility for any missed connections.
15) In coming on the bus you agree to both these rules and those of Silverfox coaches.
16) You are the XVIth Warrior, so you are representing The Glasgow Warriors! 
The XVIth

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Fraser meets The Warriors

Our competition winner Fraser Mcrobert, who came up with The XVIth Warrior as the new name for The Glasgow Warriors Supporters Group, went along to Scotstoun on Wednesday to collect his prize: lunch with the Warriors.

Of the day Fraser said:

"It was great thanks. They seem to be looking forward to kicking off as Scotstoun! It was great to see a behind the scenes perspective. It was a fantastic day :)"

Fraser with Head Coach Gregor Townsend receiving his signed ball

Fraser has been invited back to Scotstoun to watch a full training session once the summer tour players return.

Get on the Bus!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012



·        To be a supporters voice and liaise with Glasgow Warriors to represent views of the supporters to the club
·        To support the club positively and help raise the profile of Glasgow Warriors
·        To foster good relationships between all rugby supporters
·        To be a transparent, open and honest point of contact for Glasgow Warriors and it’s supporters.


Constitution Of The Glasgow Warriors Supporters

1. Name
The written name of the Group shall be The XVIth Warrior: Glasgow Warriors Supporters Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group"). 

2.. Objects
2.1. The objects of the Group shall be:
a) To promote, encourage and extend interest in Glasgow Warriors  and rugby in Glasgow  

b) To foster the interests of Glasgow Warriors  . 

c) To conduct such affairs of Glasgow Warriors  as may be delegated or entrusted to it by the Board and Management Team of Glasgow Warriors  . 

d) To represent the views of all supporters to the Board and Management Team of Glasgow Warriors . 

e) To effect its business with regard to the seven principles of conduct for those serving on the Committee (see Annexe 2). 

f) To affect its activities in a way that gives equality of opportunity and acknowledges diversity. 

2.2. The foregoing objects may be met by the Group acting through Glasgow Warriors 

3. Membership
3.1. Membership of the Group shall be open to all Glasgow Warriors  supporters, upon payment of the appropriate subscription.

a) Glasgow Warriors  Season Ticket holders shall be eligible for complimentary (i.e. free) membership of the Group, as part of the package of benefits associated with a Season Ticket. 

b) Honorary Member - a founder member (as listed in Annexe 1) who has not taken out membership by another means, a person elected to Honorary membership by a two-thirds majority of those attending a general meeting, a member of the Glasgow Warriors  Hall of Fame and all employees of Glasgow Warriors  

3.2. Due to the nature of some of the events, and so as not to clash with Band Of Warriors, the age of members will be restricted to 18+. 

3.3. These rules notwithstanding, the Strategy Group (as defined in article 4 below) shall be empowered to create such new additional classes of membership as is deems fit.

3.4. Honorary Members shall be entitled to serve on Operational Teams of the Group, but are not permitted to serve on the Strategy Group (unless occupying the place designated for Glasgow Warriors  Club). Honorary Members shall have no voting rights. Honorary Members may join the Group as full members in their own right.

3.5. The membership year shall coincide approximately with the playing season, with each membership year therefore running from 1st August until 31st July of the following year.

3.6. The annual subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting of the Group. 

3.7. These rules notwithstanding, the Strategy Group shall be empowered to set subscription rates as it deems fit for any additional membership classes it shall create, as described in article 3.3 above.

4. Committee (Strategy Group)
4.1. The Committee of the Group ("Strategy Group") shall comprise:
a) A Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, 2 Events and logistics officers and Treasurer who shall all be elected by a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting of the Group. 

b) A number of members (as shall be determined at a General Meeting of the Group) who shall be elected by a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting of the Group. 

c) A member of the staff or committee of Glasgow Warriors  . This will be a team place as opposed to a nominated individual. 

e) All elected members of the Committee must be full members of the Group. 

4.2. Strategy Group members will serve for a term of two years and may serve as many terms as elected; thus only half the Committee will stand for election each year. With the exemption of the Events and logistics officers who will be elected on an annual basis.

4.3. In the event of any Strategy Group member resigning from office, the Chair is empowered to appoint a replacement from the membership. The replacement will serve until the next AGM when they must stand for election by the Group membership.

4.4. In the event that the Chairman resigns, the Vice-Chairman shall automatically become Chairman. The new Chairman shall have the power to appoint a new Vice-Chairman from the membership and both shall serve until the next General Meeting of the Group.In the event that both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman resign, a Special General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary to elect a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman. 
This meeting shall be conducted subject to the rules laid down in the constitution of the Group. 

4.5. In the event that a member of the committee is absent from three consecutive committee meetings without good cause, the Committee may deem them to have resigned.

5. Powers Of The Strategy Group
5.1. The affairs and management of the Group shall be conducted by the Strategy Group who shall act at all times in accordance with the Constitution.

5.2. The Strategy Group is empowered to delegate any of its duties to one or more Operational teams who may comprise of members of the Strategy Group and any person or persons co-opted by the Operational team for such purpose. The quorum for any meeting of an Operational team shall be one third of those appointed to serve on it, or two, whichever is the greater.

5.3. The Strategy Group shall have the powers to open and close bank accounts in order to manage the money and assets of the Group.

5.4. The Strategy Group shall have no powers to borrow any monies.

5.5. The Strategy Group shall have the powers to cease the operation of the Group (see also article 11 below).

6. Meetings
6.1. Meetings of the Strategy Group shall be chaired by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the Strategy Group members present will elect a Chairman for the meeting.

6.2. Each Strategy Group member shall have one vote and in the event of equality the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

6.3. No proxies shall be allowed at any Strategy Group meeting.

6.4. The Strategy Group may form a number of Operational Teams with specific remits and objectives to carry out the work of the Group (see also 5.2 above).

6.5. Members serving on the Operational Teams are entitled to attend Strategy Group meetings and participate in discussion; however only Strategy Group members have votes.

6.6. The quorum of all meetings of the Strategy Group shall be one-third (rounded up to the nearest whole number) of the membership of the Strategy Group.

6.7. A member of the Strategy Group may participate in a meeting of the Group by means of conference telephone or similar communications technology whereby all the members of the Committee participating in the meeting can communicate with each other, and the members of the Committee participating in a meeting in this manner shall be deemed to be present in person at said meeting.

6.8. The members of the Strategy Group elected in accordance with the Constitution of the Group shall be the only persons entitled to hold office of the Group and may only be removed from office as a Member of the Strategy Group by virtue of the provisions of this Constitution, except as may otherwise be required by law.

6.9. Minutes will be taken of all Strategy Group and Operational Teams of the Group and copied to each Strategy Group member and Glasgow Warriors  Executive within ten days. Once approved, all minutes will be posted on the Group website.

6.10. An Annual General Meeting of the Group shall normally be held in the month of May or June each year.

6.11. The Secretary shall give not less than 10 working days' notice of the Annual General Meeting and of any Special General Meeting or Ordinary Meeting. Such notice shall specify the business to be conducted at such meeting. This notice will be posted on the Group website and circulated by email or post to every member.

6.12. A Special General Meeting of the Group or of a particular category or categories of members may be called by the Strategy Group; and shall be called by the Secretary on a requisition to that effect from signatories on behalf of ten members of the Group, stating the object of the Meeting. The Secretary shall call the Special General Meeting for a date within six weeks.

6.13. All members, of whatever class of membership other than Honorary Members, in good standing on the date of publication of the notice of a General Meeting, shall be entitled to attend said General Meeting, and to cast one vote on each motion presented.

6.14. An Ordinary Meeting of the Group or of a particular category or categories of Member Groups may be called by the Strategy Group.

7. Accounts
7.1. The Strategy Group shall ensure that proper accounting records are kept.

7.2. The accounts year shall be 1st May - 30th April to coincide with AGM 

7.3. The Strategy Group shall ensure that appropriate Annual Accounts are prepared timeously in consultation with the Board and management Team of Glasgow Warriors  or his / her delegate.
7.4. Annual Accounts will be audited by the Auditors of Glasgow Warriors  (after first two years).. Audited accounts will be posted on the Group website. 

8. Glasgow Warriors will have the option to give official endorsement to the supporters group on an annual basis. The granting of "official" status will be subject to an annual review of the group's accounts and minutes following its AGM. Glasgow Warriors will give notice of "official" endorsement or otherwise at the subsequent Strategy Group Meeting. This meeting will ideally be held prior to 1 August, the start of the next Group Year.

9. Alterations To Constitution
The votes of two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting shall be required to pass any motion to alter the Constitution. 

10. Legal Proceedings
Without prejudice to generality the Strategy Group shall have power to sue on behalf of the Group and its Members and to defend proceedings raised against the Group; and to do so in the names of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and the Secretary for the time being. 

11. Indemnity
The Committee shall be entitled to insure the Group and its Strategy Group Members and Members of said Operational Teams against the acts or omissions of Strategy Group Members and Members of said Operational Teams. 

12. Provision for Winding-Up the Group
12.1. The Group may be wound-up under the following circumstances:
a) The Group shall be deemed to have been wound-up if at any time more than 24 months have passed since the last General Meeting of the Group 

b) A motion of Winding-Up is carried by a vote of 80% or more of those attending a General Meeting and entitled to vote. 

12.2. In the event that the Glasgow Warriors is wound-up, any remaining funds shall be disbursed as follows:
a) The funds shall be transferred in their entirety to the Glasgow Warriors or its successor body or bodies. 

b) In the event that the Glasgow Warriors Foundation has ceased to exist and there are no successor bodies, the funds shall be transferred in their entirety to the Hearts and Balls charity 

c) In the event that the Hearts and Balls Charity has ceased to exist the funds shall be donated to a charity selected by the last remaining committee member. 

(See also article 5.5 above.) 

Annexe 1: Official Founder Members 

Available on request

Annexe 2: The Seven Principles Of Serving On The Committee 

1. Selflessness 

Committee members should take decisions solely in terms of their supporters. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. 

2. Integrity 

Committee members should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their duties. 

3. Objectivity 

In carrying out committee work including making appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of office should make choices on merit. 

4. Accountability 

Committee members should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take and remain mindful that they are accountable to Glasgow Warriors  Club, the Supporters' Group members and supporters for their actions. 

5. Openness 

Committee members should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider Group interest clearly demands. 

6. Honesty 

Committee members have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects Supporters' Group member's interests. 

7. Leadership 

Committee members should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

My Away Game Diary: Tour de Lacaune (Challenge Vaquerin 2012)

On Thursday (very early) morning I began my journey with travel buddy Craig Chalmers to set off from Prestwick airport on our journey to France to watch Glasgow Warriors play against Casters in the Lacaune stage of the Challenge Vaquerin 2012.
It was a great start, with Craig as prepared for a sunny country as a polar bear would be, forgetting his sunglasses and wearing jeans, and me a little on edge due to not being the biggest advocate of flying. However, all went well and the flight was uneventful.

On landing at the very quaint and economically built Carcassonne Airport, we picked up our rental car. To my joy it was a cute fiat 500 in black which was duly named Remée, and started off on the adventure that would be driving in France for the first time.


The trip up to Lacaune was an education in speed management and hairpin road navigation, on the right (wrong) side of the road.
Lacaune is a proportionally challenged (or bijoux) town, set amongst the mountains of the south of France. A beautiful place totally open with a cosy feel born of small town living.
On our recce of the town we discovered it had 3 bars/cafes, 2 hotels and 2 restaurants (some of those overlap).

We went for a casual walk up the main street to the rugby ground and managed to bump into almost half the team on the way there.
It was a great chance to chat to some of the players in the more relaxed environment of their training camp compared to the tense atmosphere of a match, and the boys were appreciating the sunshine that we so rarely see en Ecosse. Due to the size of the town, it was inevitable that our path would cross with the team and dinner ended up with a half shouted conversation across the bar terrace!
Internet and phone signal was a challenge in Lacaune, as where we were staying was remote and beautiful, however, our social media addiction did not adapt to being cut off so abruptly.

Friday (Match Day)
The discovery of a bar with free WiFi (where we were not stealing) was key to Friday. The first game was at 4pm but we were advised to head up early because it got busy, not sure how busy that would be we took the advice and planned to head up for 3.

Lunch in a local pizzeria (in France) was interesting, I tried some local meat from the Charcuterie Lacaunaisse and Craig, requested a tomato sauce less pizza, which took some convincing the waitress brought: Il n’est pas normal.

The first game we watched was Albi vs Beziers. It was a pretty good game, a friendly like the upcoming Glasgow game but with the added local rivalry. The set up of the tournament was brilliant €14 to get in for two matches where you are standing pitch side with a brilliant view in the sunshine, a French brass band and there was beer so Craig was a happy man.
Towards the end of the first game the Castres team arrived and blocked our view, they did sit down once we asked them to though. The Glasgow team came and sat down without being asked, our boys are well trained!!


Match Report.
Below is a summary of the game, I understand it may not make sense without times but it was difficult without a clock and noting that there were many water breaks.
Crunching tackles going in from both sides. Castres were Dominant and spent lots of time in the Glasgow half. A Glasgow penalty from a collapsed scrum put us into their half.
Following some more Castres pressure in the Glasgow half following a 10m line out the ball is cleared.
The scrum calls were very slow from Romain Poite leading to many scrum penalties.
Mr Poite was using the new scrum calls of Crouch, Touch, Set.
Glasgow pushing into Castres half but shoved into touch at the 22m. Castres clearing kick from the line out went dead. The second clearing kick did not go dead, Glasgow line out 22m Castres have a penalty 10m from the Glasgow line for collapsing the maul. Time stoppage for water.
Score 0-0
Sub. Pyrgos for McConnell.
Try Castres from a maul following a line out. Conversion unsuccessful 5-0
Glasgow have a 5m line out.
Penalty to Castres for good off feet resulted in a line out at halfway. Play was very to and fro.
Strong break from Castres has left them solidly in our 22. Sub Low for Reid. The Castres push continues and another penalty against Glasgow at scrum. Warning given
Finally some Glasgow pressure which was ended by a penalty for holding on. Castres scrum 1/2 way
Castres making good use of their backs forging into the Glasgow half. Penalty tap at halfway results in continued pressure. Next penalty is a kick from 20m.
HT score 8-0
And we're back.
Castres awarded and missed penalty kick. Many changes at Half Time including Jackson for Wight.
Glasgow penalty gives us a line out on the 22m line.
Lot of play around the halfway line. Ball changing hands lots. Subs including a first game for Paris. Another scrum error gave Castres a line break
Try for Taylor Paris!!!
Came through a great break by Seymour and with Paris’ first touch of the ball. Conversion is good from Jackson. 8-7
Penalty for Glasgow kicked successfully by Jackson.
Glasgow in lead 8-10
60min 8-10.
Still scrappy owing to rust but amazing potential in the new boys
Castres spending lots of time in Glasgow 22. This period of time was ended with a gorgeous cross field kick leading to a try.
Conversion missed 13-10
Lots of powerful tackling and possession switching. Play continuing between the 22m lines.
Wonderful break from McGuigan with a glorious loop results in a beautiful try. Converted 17-13
Yellow card for Jackson for persistent infringement at the ruck.
Lots of faff and penalties on the Glasgow try line. Doesn't look good. Another warning given.
Try Castres. Converted 20-17
Full time 20-17
Mcguigan was class, McDonald and Swinson put in some seriously tough shifts and look very impressive. Also we can't forget that Paris scored with his first touch of the ball. There was also a typically strong performance from Troy Nathan.

Après la partie
After the final whistle we stayed at the pitch side until we noticed that apparently the done thing was to invade the pitch. We took the opinion of when in France do as the French do.
Our casual pitch invasion meant we got the chance to chat to the boys immediately following the game. They were knackered, and rightly so, but so pleased to be back playing.
Following the game we were booked in for dinner at the team hotel. We had mixed reports on the food: Dr Haggerty told us it was fantastic but Duncan told us it wasn’t up to much although the bread was great!
I can confirm that the food was great and quite a few of the boys stopped to say hello while we were eating.
Best thing about the Warriors is that they have so much time for the fans and
are always willing to have a chat, which is so very appreciated.
There is very little to do in Lacaune at night so after dinner we said cheerio, well done and safe journey to the team and headed back to the middle of nowhere.

A day trip beckoned for Saturday, with the sat nav taking the reigns.
On recommendation (of Toony himself) we headed to Albi, a nearby city.
We had already watched Albi play rugby we now wanted to see their city. The city was beautiful with wonderful architecture and it had a rugby shop!!!
The journey back was….interesting. The sat nav decided, that, instead of going on a main road a more scenic route through a farm would be better. It wasn’t.


As our journey continued we stopped and climbed to the highest point in the region at 1100m to take in the view which was phenomenal!
Back in Remée for the final stretch of the journey we got to about 6km outside Lacaune when a deer bolted out in front of the car. I got the fright of my life!! An emergency stop saved us, Remée and the deer from certain death!


Overnight we had thunder, lightning and mahoosive hailstones!!! It was amazing and terrifying at the same time. The hailstones were so extensive that there were still piles at the roadside on the way back to the airport later that morning.


The trip to Lacaune was eventful and exciting. The matches were very enjoyable and I honestly can’t recommend away trips more. It is great being the XVI warrior home or away!!

Local Mascot or A Cooked Clyde as he was referred to

Spreading Warrior Nation touch Team to our neighbours across the channel

Words by Fiona Burns, Editing by Mary Williams, Pictures courtesy of Craig Chalmers & Fiona Burns 

I'm The XVIth!

Greetings and Salutations XVIth,

We have a few things to unveil today on the ole blogaroony!

We have our first "My Away Game Diary" entry from Fiona Burns who kindly supplied us with a diary of her away trip to Casters! This is something that we want to get from you every away game so if you would like to take part Email: 

with your diary entry* and share with other supporters and the world** just how brilliant a time you had supporting our Warriors boys away and why the tag Loud and Proud is just so apt for The XVIth, going beyond our home grounds to spread across the World Wide Web 

We can not mention an away trip without mentioning Craig Chalmers Herculean effort in his travel to Montpelier which made The Herald as the pioneer in showing the rugby world that Glasgow Warriors have supporters without equal, so let's keep making the noise, physically and vocally we are so well known for!

Now let us think what else do we have to do today....?Ah yes, the small matter of the new Logo and Poster! Well here it is:

©Image appears courtesy of  Mary O M Williams

©Image appears courtesy of  Mary O M Williams

Also we are really happy to confirm that we have a bus that will be taking you to the friendly V Exeter Chiefs on the 23rd August! 

Tickets are £8 per head, and the bus leaves from Waxy's Glasgow. You can book and pay for your place at the Glasgow warriors open day on Sunday the 12th August or email: 

with your details. There are limited places so please book early to avoid disappointment!

Well that is a lot for 1 post! Coming soon "My Away Game Diary" by Fiona Burns!

The XVIth

*The best will be printed in full and excepts will be taken from those submitted. There will be some editing to the original copy.
**The blog has views in the US, South America, West Africa and Austrilasia as well as Europe)

Friday, 3 August 2012


The SRU are looking for some Warriors 

supporters to take 

part in filming for a video on either 6/7th 

August. If you're 

interested in taking part please contact Nick 

Rougvie at the 

SRU. E-mail is Phone 

number is 
